
Schisandra Plus 维康素

功能特点:                       产品规格:  120
保护身体免受自由基的伤害                            用量:每日2次,每次2粒,饭前半小时服用更佳
Free radicals are harmful to our body cells, which will ultimately disrupt and damage the functions of a healthy living cell, causing premature aging and degenerative diseasesSchisandra Plus,provides a healthy source of antioxidants like Schisandrin B which helps to neutralize free radicals. Schisandra Plus is also helps to regulate the flow of qi in our body. Among the ingredients are American Ginseng and Dwarf Lilyturf Roots both of which help to promote the hydration of the internal organs and also provide a balance to the ‘Yin’ aspect of our body.

Specific Benefits:
*Protects the body from free-radical damages
*Increases the body’s energy levels and physical endurance
*Negates the effects of stress and thus delaying the onset of aging
*Helps reduce and prevent infections as well as damages from radiation

Product size:  120 Tablets
Usage: Take 2 tablets twice daily; preferably half an hour before meal.
Schisandra Plus dapat membantu meningkatkan keupayaan antioksidan dan 
meneutralkan radikal bebas. Schisandra Plus boleh melindungi hati daripada ancaman bahan 
kimia yang merbahaya. Schisandra Plus membantu mencegah ancaman dari radiasi dan juga melambatkan  proses penuaan. Formula Schisandra adalah berdasarkan teori perubatan tradisional China yang tidak akan menyebabkan panas badan dan haba terperangkap dalam tubuh. 

Saiz produk: 120 tablet
Saranan pengambilan: 2 tablet setiap kali, 2 kali sehari. Lebih berkesan jika diambil setengah jam sebelum makan.

Royal Lingzhi Plus 灵芝皇


功能特点:                          产品规格: 120胶囊 
除体内毒素和废物                         量:每日3次,每次1-2粒,饭前半小时服用更佳。
增强免疫力,对抗细菌与病毒侵害            价格:RM212.50
Since the early ages, the Chinese people have considered Ganoderma Lucidum or better known as Lingzhi to be the ‘King of Herbs’. Ancient Chinese emperors have also been known to keenly sought after this ‘elixir of eternal youth’. According to modern scientific studies, Lingzhi is believed to possess immunomodulator and immunotherapeutic bioactive compounds which helps to boost our body’s immune system. Royal Lingzhi Plus is made from top quality extract of premium, naturally grown Lingzhi. Royal Lingzhi Plus helps to detoxify our body, enhances its immunity and encourages the body to rapidly heal itself.

Specific Benefits:
*Detoxifies and removes undesirable properties from the body
*Strengthens the immune system to fight bacterial and viral attacks
*Prevents premature aging with its anti-aging properties
*Relieves side effects caused by chemotherapy treatments
*Promotes overall health

Product size: 120 Capsules
Dosage: Take 1-2 capsules, 3 times daily; preferably half an hour before meal.
Royal Lingzhi Plus mengandungi Polisakarida Lingzhi yang merupakan bahan utama serta gabungan daripada beberapa jenis herba lain. Royal Lingzhi Plus boleh membantu mencegah pertumbuhan tumor dan penyakit kanser. Royal Lingzhi Plus boleh meningkatkan sistem imunisasi badan dan melambatkan proses penuaan.

Saiz produk: 120 kapsul
Saranan pengambilan: 1-2 kapsul setiap kali, 3 kali sehari. Lebih berkesan jika diambil setengah jam sebelum makan.
Harga: RM212.50


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