
PolySac Plus 养固健



产品规格: 120粒
用量: 每日2次,每次3-4粒,饭前半小时服用更佳。
____________________________________________________________________________       For centuries, the Chinese people have used the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to strengthen their immune systems and maintain a state of good health. And one of the most well-known and effective components of traditional Chinese herbs is Polysaccharide.

Polysaccharides encompass a wide range of relatively complex carbohydrates and these phytonutrients are made up of molecules that support and fortify the human immunity system.
PolySac Plus is formulated with immune-enhancing ingredients to boost our immune system to help elevate the body’s resistance against bacterial and viral infections.
With its extraordinary immune boosting functions, PolySac Plus is a 'must' for every modern family.

Specific Benefits
Strengthens the human immune system
Elevates our body’s natural resistance against bacterial and viral infections
Protects our liver cells by improving their regeneration capability
Enhances the detoxifying capability of our liver 
Product size: 120 Tablets
Usage: Take 3-4 tablets twice daily; preferably half an hour before meal.
Price: RM200.00

PolySac Plus mengandungi Polisakarida kompleks yang merupakan bahan utama dalam kandungannya. 
Ianya boleh mengawal dan meningkatkan sistem imunisasi dan meningkatkan daya tahan badan terhadap penyakit. 
Ianya dapat mengurangkan tahap kolestrol, glukosa dalam darah dan lipid darah. Ianya juga bleh meningkatkan keupayaan detoksifikasi hati.

Saiz produk: 120 tablet 
Saranan pengambilan: 3-4 tablets setiap kali, 2 kali sehari. Lebih berkesan jika diambil setengah jam sebelum makan.
Harga: RM200.00

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